Embark on an exciting journey with The Reno Gal as she transforms her open office into a dual-purpose dream—a cozy fourth bedroom that seamlessly doubles as a functional home office. Dive into the magic of dark moody green paint, floral wallpaper, and innovative built-ins, and witness the progress as the first week unfolds, bringing this DIY vision to life.
DIY Faux Shiplap: How to Build & Install
Shiplap adds so much to a space! And, DIY faux shiplap is both an easy and budget-friendly way to achieve that shiplap look. The clean lines and gaps between each shiplap board creates incredible texture and allows a space to really speak without being overwhelming. However, the cost of authentic shiplap often isn’t the most…
Laundry Room Reno: Reveal
Our laundry room is finally complete and here is the official reveal! 🎉 This was the last major remodel that Chris and I completed in the Smoke House renovation. We focused our renovation efforts on the rest of the house and now that the laundry room makeover is complete I’m 100% in love with it!…
How to Build & Install Farmhouse Shelves
How to easily build and install farmhouse shelves on a budget.
The Smoke House : Before and After
– Purchasing the Smoke House – In late 2018 Chris and I began flirting with the idea of selling our beloved Urban Farmhouse in the middle of Dallas/Fort Worth to purchase a home with a little bit of land. At first, I hated the idea of selling the home we poured our hearts into and…